Saturday, November 28, 2015

Customized VW Drag Truck (HW Cool Classic Series 2 - #25 of 30)

Now, it's the time for a special edition of Hot Wheels.  It's a Customized VW Drag Truck.  :D  I've been waiting for a long time to have this Volkswagen.  I got it from a facebook shopping.  Mine is a part of 2006 HW Cool Classic Series 2.

The Volkswagen Drag Truck is a modified version of the Volkswagen Drag Bus. Unlike its much more valuable brother, this one has hit the pegs more than once.  It was debuted at 2004 First Editions #101, by Designer : Phil Riehlman.

I found none information about the real version of this Hot Wheels.  Besides that, i really love the special Blue painting on it.  :)

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