Saturday, February 21, 2015

Nissan Skyline H/T 2000GT-X

The next is a black Nissan Skyline H/T 2000GT-X.  My friend send me the offer via Whatsapp, and I took it.   It's a part of 2014 HW Workshop, 225/250.

The Nissan Skyline is a line of compact cars, sports cars and compact executive cars originally produced by the Prince Motor Company starting in 1955, and then by Nissan after the two companies merged in 1966.  The Skyline was largely designed and engineered by Shinichiro Sakurai.
The 2000 GT-X, which appeared in September 1971, was an upgrade to the 2000GT. It was powered by a L20, SU twin-carb (high-octane, 130PS) engine, and power windows came as standard.  In March 1972 expanded the lineup to include a four-door GT-X sedan.

The Hot Wheels model is based on the actual production model (nicknamed "Hakosuka" by fans).  It was debuted as 2011 New Models, by designer : Jun Imai.

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